Whilst working out in Mexico, teaching diving and carrying out marine research on the health of coral reefs. I picked up a camera in order to document the work we were doing underwater, which turned out to be the start of my photography career. I enjoyed it so much decided to take it onto dry land.
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Working out in South Africa as a wildlife, underwater and adventure sports photographer. The light, landscapes and wildlife out there was absolutely stunning. The surf was wild and most often empty. An absolute dream.
Working with the Anti-Poaching Units out in South Africa made us realise how much they go through in order to protect and conserve the last remaining Rhinos. Which are under huge threat due to poaching for their valuable horn. Seeing this first had led me to make a film in order to raise awareness of the impressive work that the highly trained anti-poachers do and the difficulties face in their job. The aim of the video is to raise money for the Boots on The Ground.
Sri Lanka was a mind blowing country in which the people were as generous and kind-hearted as the nature was beautiful and waters warm.
The variety of landscapes and waves found in Cornwall never fails to amaze me. Having lived in the area for the last 10 years, there are still many secret spots to be discovered.
In search of a country with beautiful waves, lack of crowds and exciting culture. My surf, travel companion Emma-Fraser Bell and I embarked on a trip to El Salvador. Which turned out to be a hidden gem that is not half as dangerous as everyone made out. A beautiful country which I will definitely re-visit.
The question is where can you find good waves, no crowds, warm weather and stunning landscapes?
December 2018, I took a flight to the dramatic mid-atlantic island of Madeira.
The waves were challenging to find due to steep cliffs and rocky beaches. However, we succeeded, landscape wise and photographically the island was a dream and the vegetation was second to none, delicious fresh fruit and veg, and delightful villages full of colours and textures.